MAY 22, 2015

Superhuman Vision is Closer Than We Think

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

Vision is by far one of the most important senses that we use every day. While many of us don't have 20/20 vision, a simple prescription set of eyeglasses, or contact lenses, can help to correct our vision and help us see better.

One thing that is important to realize is while 20/20 vision is considered perfect vision, it can still only help you to see so well. It's a simple fact that humans just don't have the eyesight capabilities that some other animals do, such as hawks, but that doesn't mean you have to settle.

You can use binoculars, telescopes, magnifying glasses, microscopes, and several other optical tools to enhance your vision, even if you already have perfect vision, so that you can see greater distances or see closer to things than you could without the optical tools.

For one Dr. Garth Webb, an optometrist located in British Columbia, it has been a personal goal to somehow improve on modern optics in a way that has never been done before.

This little lens could give you superhuman vision.

The final result is an amazing new lens by Ocumetics that has been eight years in the making. The lens can reportedly give a human what is known as super vision, or vision that is much better than 20/20 vision.

"This is a vision enhancement that the world has never seen before," says the excited Dr. Webb. "If you can just barely see the clock at 10 feet, when you get the Bionic Lens you can see the clock at 30 feet away."

The special lens is not like normal contact lenses or glasses; instead, it is folded up into a syringe and then surgically implanted into the eyeball of the person wanting super vision, where it then takes its form in just ten seconds. The entire surgical procedure is claimed to take a mere eight minutes and would be painless, as CBC notes.

Moreover, the lens can reportedly improve your vision no matter what distance you may be from an object. It doesn't matter if you're really close to it or very far away from it; you could benefit from clearer vision in either scenario.

There is a slight catch, however. Although these claims are wonderful and all, the new lens system has yet to actually be clinically tested. Testing will ensure not only the effectiveness of the new lens, but also its safety.

The goal is to get the product tested on lab animals first, and should everything go well with that, move on to blind humans that volunteer to be a part of the test.

This is a big game-changer. The world of prescription optics could change dramatically in the future.

Sources: Ocumetics, CBC